
The SOMA Action Democracy Action Committee

Contacts: Allison PosnerAmy Higer

The Democracy Action Committee of SOMA Action connects our groups with national campaigns and movements that are working to support and strengthen our democracy. In particular, we see our committee as a local point of connection to progressive coalitions who are working to stop the GOP’s voter suppression efforts in over 40 states. DAC also serves as a point of connection for local residents to join other national progressive campaigns focused on other issues related to defending our democracy, including judicial appointments, structural change in Congress, holding federal elected officials accountable, D.C. Statehood, and advocating for filibuster reform as well as supporting S-1, also known as the For the People Act.  This committee has some fluidity and agility, so that we can respond to national progressive campaigns for democracy in places where those fights are heating up or hot! The Democracy Action Committee is also a collective of folks energized to motivate our local constituency to stay engaged in national political mobilization efforts to drive progressive change. 

Contact  Allison Posner or Amy Higer for more information or to join!