Assemblyman John F. McKeon and Assemblywoman Mila M. Jasey

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Mila Jasey and John McKeon, candidates for the New Jersey State Assembly in the 27th legislative district, submitted the following answers to SOMA Action’s questionnaire.  SOMA Action endorses Jasey and McKeon for the Assembly. 

1. Fair Tax Policy 

A. Do you support the so-called "millionaires' tax"? 

We are the original prime sponsors of the millionaire’s tax bill, introduced in the last legislative session as A-2703, which increased the gross income tax rate on income exceeding $1,000,000 and dedicates revenue from tax rate increase for direct real property tax relief for taxpayers.  The measure was originally introduced by us in 2014 and every session thereafter until it a millionaire’s tax was adopted as part of last year’s Budget. 

B. What role should the New Jersey Legislature take in reversing the limitation on the SALT deduction on Federal Income Tax? 

We were the prime sponsors of the SALT workaround bill signed into law by Gov. Murphy (A-3499) on May 4, 2018, which authorized municipality, county or school district to establish charitable funds for specific purposes and permitted property tax credit for certain donations. The law provided a mechanism enabling resident property owners to offset their property tax bills by donating to state-run municipal funds and school districts. This workaround was rendered invalid by Treasury regulations adopted in August 2019, in which the IRS viewed the “tax credit for donation” exchange as a quid pro quo arrangement, which has been held under case law as ineligible for a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. New Jersey, along with four other states, filed a lawsuit against the federal government challenging the constitutionality of the SALT deduction cap, but lost in federal district court.

We are hopeful that the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate will support the restoration of the SALT deduction.

2.   Economic Development Authority

A. The EDA has been beset by scandal, with companies allegedly receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks based on dubious claims of possible out-of-state relocation. As currently structured, the EDA's tax breaks do not require corporations to pay a fair wage to its employees, and or seek to maintain employees' current benefits or create new benefits. Do you support a thorough investigation by the Governor's Task Force of the EDA's past activities?

We acknowledge the significant issues experienced by the EDA and have been part of the Legislature’s and Governor’s joint effort to rectify the situation. We believe EDA incentives should be contingent upon corporations paying fair wages and ensuring that they have health benefits. We believe the EDA shortcomings have been thoroughly publicized and that our efforts should be laser focused upon ensuring that the Authority moves forward in its policies and day-to-day operations as intended. 

B. Do you support a policy that would require recipients of EDA subsidies to provide jobs with fair wages and maintain current benefits?

Incentivizing recipient benefits upon wage and benefits contingencies is certainly one effective measure to accomplish this objective.

3.   Women’s Reproductive Rights

A. Do you support a woman's right to choose in all circumstances?

We believe that decisions respecting reproduction should be between a woman and her physician free from government interference and/or intervention. 

B. Governor Murphy has restored funding to Planned Parenthood in New Jersey. What is your position on the restoration of these funds?

 We have supported and sponsored full funding for Planned Parenthood during every one of the cuts to this essential program during the previous administration. 

C. Do you support state legislation that would create a legal right to abortion and contraception, even if Roe and Griswold are reversed by the Supreme Court?

Assemblywoman Jasey is the second prime sponsor of the New Jersey Reproductive Freedom Act. 

D. What is your position on increasing access to quality contraceptive choices? Do you support economic support for contraception availability? 

 We both believe in quality contraceptive choices and that they should be available free of charge to those who cannot afford them.

4.   Protecting the Environment

A. What measures do you support to increase the use of renewable energy sources and reduce fossil fuel consumption in New Jersey?

B. What measures do you support to move New Jersey towards the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030? 

C. What measures would you support to reduce the amount of waste going into New Jersey landfills and incinerators? 

D. What measures would you support to protect and expand natural habitat in New Jersey?

First and foremost, we firmly believe climate change is an existential threat to our way of life.  We are committed to putting New Jersey on a pathway toward a cleaner and greener environment.

Throughout Assemblyman McKeon’s legislative career, he has been the lead sponsor of virtually every significant piece of environmental legislation, many of which Assemblywoman Jasey has joined as a sponsor. Over the past few years, these included the following major landmark environmental laws: the “Clean Energy Act,” which expanded renewable energy sources like solar and wind and puts us on target to reach our goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050; the establishment of a permanent funding source for open space preservation; the “Flood Defense Act;” and most recently, the “Environmental Justice” legislation, which is the strongest of its kind in the nation and will directly benefit long-neglected underserved communities.  

We were also the lead sponsors of the strongest “Single-use Plastic Ban” in the nation and supported the “Food Waste law,” which will help divert solid food waste from our landfills.  

5.  Protecting Our Immigrant Communities

A. Do you support making drivers' licenses available to all New Jersey?

Immigrants in New Jersey without formal legal status were permitted to obtain NJ state driver’s licenses with the passage of legislation that we proudly sponsored that was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy in December 2019.  

The law allows for two types of licenses: one compliant with the federal Real ID Act that would let users board domestic flights, and one strictly for driving that would be issued to immigrants without legal status, certain senior citizens and others who lack documentation.

These individuals make significant contributions to our state’s economy, pay taxes and issuance of the licenses will expand economic opportunity and make our roads safer.

B. Do you support universal legal representation for immigrant detainees?

We supported legislation that resulted in Gov. Murphy dedicating funds to undocumented immigrants arrested during ICE raids when they appear in Court.  

C. Do you support Assembly bill A5207, and its corresponding Senate bill S3361, which will keep ICE from: signing any new detention contracts in New Jersey; expanding any current detention contracts in New Jersey; or renewing any current detention contracts in New Jersey?

We are both sponsors of A-5207, which prohibits State and local entities and private detention facilities from entering into agreement to detain noncitizens.  This measure passed both houses and currently awaits the Governor’s signature.

6.   Public Education

A. The reopening of Public Schools closed as a result of the Covid crises has become quite controversial. What are your thoughts?

With respect to the opening of public schools this fall, we believe that K-12 students belong in the environment schools offer with the caveat that we must follow the science and the recommendations of the CDC.

B. As part of the CARES Act, school districts were provided Education Stabilization Funds to be used over the next three years to address the impact of COVID. How do you believe districts should allocate those funds?

We believe that school districts through their Boards of Education, in concert with their Superintendents, should determine how the funding allocated should be best used to address COVID impact and meet the needs of their student, faculty and the greater community. 

C. What are your thoughts on bill A4454, which requires school districts to include instruction on diversity?

We fully support, sponsored and voted in favor of A4454 which requires school districts to include instruction on diversity and inclusion as part of implementation of New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

7.  Access to Healthcare

A. What measures would you take in New Jersey to ensure that all residents have access to quality and affordable healthcare?

B. Do you support NJ's Marketplace through which people can buy insurance under the Affordable Care Act?

 Following the passage of the ACA, we were strong supporters of the Medicaid expansion in New Jersey. When President Trump’s administration began its attacks on the Affordable Care Act, Assembly McKeon was the prime sponsor and Assemblywoman Jasey a cosponsor of the New Jersey Marketplace Law (GetCoveredNJ), which established New Jersey’s own individual health insurance exchange. This legislative package ensured that children could remain on their parents’ insurance plans until the age of 26, protected people who have pre-existing medical conditions from being denied health insurance, and requires health insurers to cover preventive health services. 

We also are especially proud to announce we are respective prime and co-sponsors of legislation that will create the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (A-2418).  

C. What should New Jersey do to reduce the disparity in healthcare outcomes for people of color?

We believe the pandemic has made clear the need for a public health insurance option for New Jerseyans who do not have access to health care coverage through an employer of those who would rather be insured under a public option.  Disparity in health care services, and access to services, is driven by poverty, and the above measures will, we believe, significantly reduce the disparity.

8.  Public Transportation

Do you support increased funding to ensure that NJ Transit operates more smoothly and without disruptions and that service is not cut off on a daily basis?

Yes, and we have supported an increase in funding over the last few years.  Under the previous administration, NJ Transit was neglected.  To reverse the systemic neglect and to ensure safe and reliable public transportation, we authored the NJ Transit reform law which now provides greater oversight and accountability.  

We also support conversion to electric busses to reduce emissions. 

9.  Elections

A. New Jersey appears to be unique in having what is called "The Line" in Primaries. Do you agree with those who say that this advantages incumbents over challengers, "organization" backed candidates over independents that the resulting ballot design confuses voters? Would you favor doing away with "The Line"?

B. Current law mandates the placement of ballot boxes at almost all Municipal Buildings and on College Campuses. A bill has been introduced in the legislature to amend this by giving wide discretion to County Elections Boards as to the placement of ballot boxes. Would you favor or oppose this Amendment?

 We believe the legislature has worked to ensure the voting process is fair, secure, and open to all who wish to participate in the election process. Examples of this include legislation to expand early voting, vote by mail and drop boxes. We supported the Ballot Cure Act, the Track My Ballot bill and the Drop Box Act, all of which significantly enhanced the voting process for our residents.  We are open to discussions on all future electoral reforms that protect and expand people’s access to vote.


Vote NO on the Artificial Turf Referendum (Question 3) on November 2


Melissa Brown Blaeuer