Climate Committee Helps Lead Fight to Save Reservation

By Virginia Lamb and Joyce Rudin

In February, SOMA Action joined forces with 20 other organizations to form the Coalition to Save South Mountain Reservation. The initial impetus was to stop planned construction by Essex County of an $8.5 million amphitheater on 2 acres outside the current southern boundary of the Turtle Back Zoo.  This is just the latest part of the County’s draft Master Plan that calls for a total of 10 more acres to be destroyed in pursuit of for profit amusements.

SOMA Action joined Newark Water Coalition and others at recent rally.

SOMA Action joined Newark Water Coalition and others at recent rally.

Public opposition has been extensive and yet the County has not budged on its plans. Spending millions of dollars in taxpayer money on a 500 seat amphitheater during a global pandemic and recession, AND destroying natural areas during a climate crisis, makes absolutely no logical sense

Here are the recent highlights: 

1) Environmental experts have confirmed that the proposed construction site is in and/or adjacent to sensitive wetlands, AND that the Reservation is home to endangered and protected wildlife species—facts being actively ignored by the County, which has failed to get the required environmental permits.

2 ) Essex County’s own Environmental Commission issued a strongly worded resolution  on May 4th, asking for a halt to this project or at a minimum that the County provide an environmental impact study that shows the project has a “net neutral impact on the environment.”  This resolution was sent to County officials, and follows similar municipal resolutions from Maplewood, South Orange, West Orange, Millburn, and Newark.  Montclair may be passing one shortly.

3) The county opted not to award a construction contract by the May 13th deadline, stating “There are no plans for a re-bid at this time.”  This implies a plan to re-bid the project in the future.   We are closely monitoring all Freeholder activity on this issue via their posted agendas and twice monthly virtual meetings.

4)  $4 million in NJ state “grant” funding has not been released. The terms of NJ Executive Order 215 require that state-funded projects undergo environmental assessments and yet NO ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN DONE.

5) Recent visits to the site (located along the Reservoir walking path) showed tremendous destruction to the proposed construction site already. There is evidence of heavy equipment used on site, dumping of cement and other debris, and clearing of underbrush, all of which has resulted in the loss of many mature trees.   The County-- via the zoo, appears to be gradually "annexing" sections of the reservation by erecting 20' chain link fence lined with black fabric, which obscures views, and then destroying and developing within the fence. This is resulting in the relentless and unchecked march south of the Turtle Back Zoo into the South Mountain Reservation.

It is truly a crime what the County is doing to our Reservation--treating the forest and wetlands habitat as a blank canvas awaiting development.  We must stop the County and gain protected status for the South Mountain Reservation. The Coalition is continuing to work with legal and environmental experts who have fortified the case for protecting this vital natural area.  We are delighted that SOMA ACTION is part of this coalition and welcome any and all input/help from SOMA members, including volunteers to periodically monitor the site for signs of active destruction/construction. For more information on how you can help click here. 


SOMA Against Hate Collective Statement in response to racist attack on 5/8/2020


Member Spotlight: Diane Simmons