Gas-Powered Power Plant Project Halted!

We did it! After more than a year and a half of relentless grassroots pressure by SOMA Action, Empower New Jersey, and other groups, Governor Murphy and NJ Transit have agreed to halt work on the fracked gas power plant proposal in Kearny, and have set a new goal to develop the TRANSITGRID project with 100% renewable energy. Read the full story of this major victory here!

Stopping the NJ Transit power plant will keep more than 570,000 tons of carbon pollution out of our atmosphere every year, and other toxic pollutants out of our lungs. And winning a 100% renewable alternative will put NJ on the right track to become a global leader in the urgent race to get off climate destroying fossil fuels.

Send a quick message to Governor Murphy thanking him for this critical decision and urging him to uphold his climate and environmental justice commitments by enacting a moratorium on ALL fossil fuel projects:

Let's keep up the pressure. We can only win these fights together!


SOMA Actions: Week of November 30


Recap: "Portland, Policing & White Supremacy: What Can We Do?" with Eric K. Ward