New Committee to End Gun Violence

The recent act of white supremacist terrorism in Buffalo shocked and horrified us all. There have been two hundred and one mass shootings in this country in 2022. Although not all have been officially designated as racially motivated, they do share one thing in common: the perpetrators' unfettered access to military grade weapons. Easy access to weapons of mass destruction is an essential tactic in the Republican party’s mission to uphold white supremacy. 

We can and must do more to organize against the NRA, the gun lobby, and pro-gun candidates. 
To that end, SOMA Action is forming a new gun control committee to seek out and implement the best means for our community to effect change in this national crisis. 

If you are interested in getting involved and working together to stop gun violence, please complete this Google form or email Jessica at
As our Senator Cory Booker said in response to this attack: “Nothing will change unless you do.” 


SOMA Action Racial Justice & Religious Justice Committee's Statement on the Racist Terror Attack in Buffalo


New Book Club Forming