Women Share Their Stories at 2nd Multicultural High Tea

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One keynote speaker, 10 breakout groups, 85 participants, and 11 planning committee members added up to a successful Women’s Multicultural High Tea II on Sunday, June 28th.  Building on the success of the first Women’s Multicultural High Tea held in September 2019, and taking the request from participants for more time to get to know one another across racial, ethnic and religious lines, the Women’s Multicultural Alliance planned an event that incorporated just that. The event was sponsored by SOMA Action.

Hadiyah Finney, a Muslim Black woman, spoke about her upbringing and the development of her character during her childhood in Newark. Breakout session participants answered the questions “What was the role of women in your family of origin and how does your role differ today?”

This Women’s Multicultural High Tea was BYOT (Bring Your Own Tea) because COVID-19 caused a pivot from an in-person event to a virtual High Tea.  During the opening of the program, Marcia Bloomberg, co-chair of the SOMA Action Religious Justice Committee and a member of the event planning committee said “We hope you will open yourselves up to all your sisters here today, share your story and marvel at theirs.” 

Some participant comments following the event:

  • “I thought the breakout sessions were great…”

  • “Thanks so much for hosting the high tea last night. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next one.” 

  • “I enjoyed talking with my breakout group, and actually learned something about myself in the process.”


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