SOMA Action and LWV Question Amendment to State Constitution

For over a year, SOMA Action has been a partner with the New Jersey League of Women Voters/Fair Districts Coalition.  We support their goals to reform redistricting in NJ, to make the process more "impartial, transparent, community-driven, and fair. 

Recently, our two assemblymembers, Mila Jasey and John McKeon, have sponsored a resolution, ACR 188, which if passed would introduce an amendment to our state constitution to delay redistricting for state elections for any year that our state does not receive Census data by February 15 in the year following the Census.  While we know that action must be taken to address the inevitable delay in receiving Census data due to Covid, we question whether this bill is the right answer, and we expressed our concerns to Jasey and McKeon in a recent letter.

We urge our members to contact our assemblymembers to voice their concern with ACR 188 and SCR 123 (the corresponding bill in the Senate) and instead to support the reforms proposed by the LWV Fair Districts NJ.


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Weekly Actions for w/o July 20, 2020