WORDS THAT W!N helps SOMA Action members construct compelling narratives

Last week several SOMA Action members attended a workshop led by WORDS THAT W!N. The workshop uses the “Race Class Narrative” to craft compelling messaging. They offered simple and effective ways to re-frame messaging to make it really resonate. 

Key takeaways included:

  • Lead with our values (we all want good schools, clean air and water, enough healthy food)

  • Identify the villains who are trying to divide us by saying it's all a zero-sum game (not true; we can lift all boats if we stick together)

  • Share the vision of what we can achieve together (a clear goal we are working to achieve)

  • And equally important, NEVER retweet or repost the negative messages of the right, because the algorithms interpret this as agreement plus you amplify their message. Repetition becomes "truth" even when it's not.

 It was a compelling workshop that increased understanding of how to craft messaging that resonates better.

We may have the WORDS THAT W!N team do a workshop specifically for SOMA Action, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

In the meantime, if you want to learn more about them or sign up for a workshop, check them out here.

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Special thanks to Jennifer Nielsen for her summary of the key takeaways.


SOMA Actions: Week of March 15th


SOMA Actions: Week of March 8