The SOMA Action Transportation Subcommittee elevates the work of several local groups (Walk Bike Ride South Orange, SOMa Bike Bus, Maplewood Bicycling Working Group) to encourage citizens in South Orange and Maplewood to advocate for improved pedestrian, bicycling and public transit access both locally and regionally. There are many efforts underway to encourage climate-friendly transportation alternatives that will reduce car traffic, make streets safer, reduce carbon emissions and uphold our community's commitment to sustainability.
To learn more and get involved, contact walkbikerideso@gmail.com.
Community input into a village-wide Safety Action Plan (funded by federal grant) to make it safer to get around by walking and biking.
Community input into a town-wide bicycle lane network; and a potential e-bike ordinance
Encourage continued creation of a multi-use walking/biking path along the Rahway River that would connect Maplewood through the West Montrose neighborhood in South Orange. More on the Greenway here.
Bike buses to school
Safe routes to schools
Bicycle/pedestrian education for students
Equitable SOMSD bicycling policies
Electric school buses.
Add our voice to regional issues, such as NJ Transit, NYC congestion pricing, NJ State e-bike laws under consideration, and the 1-78 Turnpike Widening