Member Spotlight: Joe Smith

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Get to know SOMA Action members!

Q: When and why did you get involved with SA?

 I joined after Trump's election.   At first, I didn't know what to do.  I was writing random letters to Democrats in Congress, begging them to do something.  I think I was afraid that Trump would just be accepted.

After SOMAACTION'S early, standing-room-only meetings, I began to feel better, that we could fight this thing together.  Our successful efforts in flipping NJ Congressional districts convinced me that this was true--if we could get enough people out there.

Q: Do you have  previous experience as an activist?    If so, where?

In New York City, I worked with the Sierra Club, helping to organize  the People's Climate March and also launching a letters-to-the editor campaign, calling on Gov. Cuomo to shut remaining coal plants.

Also, for years I have served on the PEN American Center Prison Writing Committee, where I help  judge an annual nation-wide writing contest for incarcerated people.


Q: What are some of the highlights of your work with the SOMA Action?


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