Local Artist Sherry Beth Sacks on Art, Activism, and SOMA Action

Sherry Beth Sacks is an educator, the founder of a feminist art collective, and a working artist who calls our community her home. She is also the latest local professional to donate her time and talent to raising money for SOMA Action. Sherry has generously offered to donate the proceeds from her Art Sale to our organization. She has already raised hundreds of dollars for our organization, and there are still several pieces available on her website. 

 Why SOMA Action? “Since first picking up a drum stick, making music and art have always been rooted in activism and social justice,” she explains. Sherry learned to play the drums as a 19-year-old college student within the Positive Force and Riot Grrrl movements, and realized early on the powerful combination of art making and activism. Painting came later, Sherry says, but “this notion of creation as to connect with others and activate remained central to my approach.” 

 Sherry considers collaborating with other artists and community members to build a more just society an essential part of her work. “The freedom to articulate creativity might be individualized, but the meaning for me lies beyond,” she tells SOMA Action. “Like many busy parents I look between the cracks of responsibility for opportunities to continue this work in whatever way possible. Doing a fundraiser for SOMA Action is one such way for me.”

 SOMA Action is honored that Sherry has chosen to generously support our organization. Donations like hers help us to cover expenses like legal and accounting fees, insurance and rental fees for events, communications platform costs, stamps and printing expenses for letter-writing campaigns, and sponsorship and speaker fees. Sherry articulates what so many of us have come to realize in the last four years: “While a piece of art may provide a moment of solace in times of struggle, ultimately we need to activate to make the changes we wish to see. In supporting SOMA Action we can do a small part in making this happen.”


You can read more about Sherry, her work, and her SOMA Action fundraiser at her website, http://www.sherrybethsacks.com/. And if you’re interested in financially supporting our work, please visit somaaction.org/donate.


SOMA Actions: Week of October 26th


Ballot Box Bonanza: The Votes Are In!