Election 2020 Resources

Check out these tools and tips about voting and getting out the vote:

Get Your SOMA Action VOTE Postcards!

Did you know that sending reminders to people in your own social circles to vote, with a friendly message about why voting is critical this year, is one of the most effective ways to get out the vote? We’ve created special election postcards, and they are free! Learn more about it here.  
To reserve your packet of 20, 40, or 60, please email Jan J Veliko:  jvelikocde@yahoo.com


How to vote by mail in Essex County

This brief video from the Montclair Area League of Women Voters answers your questions about voting by mail for the upcoming election.


NJ Ballot Drop Box Locations

Received your ballot in the mail? Filled it out and sealed it correctly? Congrats, you’re ready to turn it in! You can mail it, of course, or drop it in one of your county’s secure drop boxes! Clink the button below for more info.


Everything you need to know about voting in NJ, all in one website!

The State of New Jersey has pulled together all the information a voter might need in in single place: the 2020 New Jersey Voter Information Portal.

It's a great resource for answering your questions about when, where and how to register (do it soon, the deadline is October 13th) and vote.

Bookmark the site and share it widely!


Build Your Donation Plan

Want to donate to a 2020 campaign? Now is the time! Not sure where your money would do the most good, or how much you should be spending? Click below to see what Cate Mayer, founder of the progressive get-out-the-vote group Friends Vote Together, recommends.


Voting Infographic from New Jersey’s Institute for Social Justice

Looking for a concise way to share how to vote in NJ in 2020? Consider sharing this page from NJISJ. It contains a helpful infographic and an extensive FAQ section for those who need a little more information.

Your super easy guide to NJ’s 3 ballot measures in 2020

Remember to flip your ballot over! There are three ballot measures on the back of your ballot. We’ve got all the info you need about these initiatives at the link below.


Relational Organizing: GOTV with a personal touch

“Relational Organizing” — talking to friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, and even strangers — is one of the most effective ways to get out the vote, especially during a pandemic.


“Christmas in Autumn” cards: a great way to connect with your network about voting

Learn how to put this creative approach to GOTV to work with your network.