The SOMA Action Climate Committee
Contacts: Jennifer Nielsen, Mona Karim , Karen Correa, and Virginia Lamb.
typing new copy SOMA Action Climate Committee is made up of local volunteers in South Orange and Maplewood whose passion is protecting our natural resources, reducing waste, and advocating for practical and, if necessary, radical solutions to climate change at the local, state, and national levels. We will hold our elected officials accountable for their votes and actions but also show residents of our community what we can do in our own lives to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our priority is slowing climate change, which also includes promoting decent jobs in renewable energy, public works and technology and applying a social justice lens. Our priorities include: 1) reducing plastic waste in SOMA and the state; and 2) calling on Governor Murphy’s administration and the legislature to pursue an accelerated transition of our energy infrastructure away from fossil fuels and towards renewable sources. Our actions will include:
Meeting with government officials at the state and national level to let them know of our support and our opposition on climate-related legislation and policies.
Partnering with other local environmental and social justice groups in our two towns and across the state.
Organizing and implementing educational campaigns to inspire SOMA residents to adopt more sustainable lifestyles and practices and easing the change for economically struggling households.
Defending our existing environmental laws from extreme attacks in Congress.
Protecting our public lands and clean water through legislation and local clean-up and waste-reduction actions.
Supporting environmental justice initiatives that reduce the burden of pollution and contamination on disadvantaged communities.
Questions? Email us at